General conditions - Summer Course Perugia 2020

  1. In case of cancellations later than April 1 but before June 1, 2020, 50% of the paid sum will be returned. Later cancellations unfortunately can’t be paid back. We advise you to contact your travel insurance agency.
  2. Participants are at all times responsible for their own and others' safety. The organisation can not be held responsible for damage to or theft of instruments or other properties. Neither, the organisation can be held responsible when our partners do not live up to their agreements.
  3. Your registration is officially confirmed when your payment is received on the bank account of Onno Verschoor (Accademia Amsterdam). We don't accept cash payments at the course location. Unfortunately, we cannot issue VAT-free invoices for companies.
  4. Official registration closes on July 1, 2020 or when the course is fully booked. On receipt of your subscription form, we will send you an invoice with the total amount. Later applications will be considered if there are still places available. Before July 1, 2020 you will receive a confirmation if the courses will take place.
  5. When the course has to be cancelled by the organisation, the total fee will be returned completely.
  6. Introduction reduction can be given only once per booking and person, and applies to the person who introduces the other participant. The reduction is only valid when subscribed simultaneously. The introduction reduction CAN NOT be used in conjunction with the discount for Italian students or Choir Singing.
  7. If parallel courses are followed in addition to the music course, these should be paid according to the rates of the desired number of days to attend. (However, the introduction reduction can be applied on the music course, if it was not granted already).
  8. You can enjoy the all-in airport transfer & accommodation service, organised and implemented by an experienced travel agent. A minimum number of interested applicants is needed before April 1,2020. We will contact you to confirm and provide you all needed information. Separate conditions of the external travel agent apply.
  9. If you don’t wish to use the service mentioned above, you need to arrange your own travel to and sojourn in Perugia. Please note that those who are staying outside the city centre will need to be able to reach the course location(s) independently, by car or by public transport.
  10. Five (or six) dinners are organised for participants who want to eat communally. Meals for partners and children eating communally with us have to be reserved on application and paid separately in the restaurant.
  11. Bylaws are applicable and handed out together with the sheet music and course programme. In case of organisational and artistic disagreement, you need to follow the decisions of the qualified tutors.
  12. Musicians are requested to bring a music stand and to print the sheet music provided on our website. At latest July 1, the sheet music will be available for downloading. Participants of the arts courses are advised to bring own painting and drawing materials. In Perugia you can buy them yourself, as they are excluded from the course price. The concert by the tutors is free for all students.
  13. Who is only participating in the choir, can book additional workshops. Choir-only singers have no reduction possibilities. Singers who applied for the regular courses, can sing for free in the choir.
  14. Singers should know their parts by heart. It is not necessary to sing all provided music in the performance(s).

  • Nederlands

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