1. In case of cancellations within 72 hours before the (first) appointed session, 50% of the cancelled lesson(s) will be charged. Cancellations within 24 hours before the (first) appointed session unfortunately can’t be paid back.
  2. If you subscribed to more sessions and you are cancelling, we will charge the sessions appointed with the tutor as stated under 1. If you cancel the rest of the subscribed sessions too, you will be as well charged 25% of the non-scheduled sessions.
  3. Single appointments can be re-scheduled in consultation with the tutor without charge, when announced before 72 hours prior to the start of the (first) appointed session. Later requests will be treated under the conditions, stated under 1.
  4. Your registration is officially confirmed when your payment is received on the bank account of Onno Verschoor (Accademia Amsterdam). Unfortunately, we cannot issue VAT-free invoices for companies.
  5. After your payment is received, your tutor will get in touch with you within 5 working days, to make the (first) appointment for an on-line session.
  6. When a lesson has to be cancelled because of force majeure on the side of the tutor, the total fee will be returned.
  7. Neither Accademia Amsterdam, nor the tutor can be held responsible if your audio-visual equipment and internet connection to make the on-line session possible, don’t function (well).
  8. If de audio-visual equipment or internet connection of the tutor don’t function, a new session will be scheduled free of charge. When the session cannot be re-scheduled within 7 working days, your fee will be returned.
  9. We take care of your privacy. We share your data only with the tutor in charge. Your data is stored on a trusted server and our website is secured by an SSL-connection.

  1. In case of cancellations later than April 1 but before June 1, 2020, 50% of the paid sum will be returned. Later cancellations unfortunately can’t be paid back. We advise you to contact your travel insurance agency.
  2. Participants are at all times responsible for their own and others' safety. The organisation can not be held responsible for damage to or theft of instruments or other properties. Neither, the organisation can be held responsible when our partners do not live up to their agreements.
  3. Your registration is officially confirmed when your payment is received on the bank account of Onno Verschoor (Accademia Amsterdam). We don't accept cash payments at the course location. Unfortunately, we cannot issue VAT-free invoices for companies.
  4. Official registration closes on July 1, 2020 or when the course is fully booked. On receipt of your subscription form, we will send you an invoice with the total amount. Later applications will be considered if there are still places available. Before July 1, 2020 you will receive a confirmation if the courses will take place.
  5. When the course has to be cancelled by the organisation, the total fee will be returned completely.
  6. Introduction reduction can be given only once per booking and person, and applies to the person who introduces the other participant. The reduction is only valid when subscribed simultaneously. The introduction reduction CAN NOT be used in conjunction with the discount for Italian students or Choir Singing.
  7. If parallel courses are followed in addition to the music course, these should be paid according to the rates of the desired number of days to attend. (However, the introduction reduction can be applied on the music course, if it was not granted already).
  8. You can enjoy the all-in airport transfer & accommodation service, organised and implemented by an experienced travel agent. A minimum number of interested applicants is needed before April 1,2020. We will contact you to confirm and provide you all needed information. Separate conditions of the external travel agent apply.
  9. If you don’t wish to use the service mentioned above, you need to arrange your own travel to and sojourn in Perugia. Please note that those who are staying outside the city centre will need to be able to reach the course location(s) independently, by car or by public transport.
  10. Five (or six) dinners are organised for participants who want to eat communally. Meals for partners and children eating communally with us have to be reserved on application and paid separately in the restaurant.
  11. Bylaws are applicable and handed out together with the sheet music and course programme. In case of organisational and artistic disagreement, you need to follow the decisions of the qualified tutors.
  12. Musicians are requested to bring a music stand and to print the sheet music provided on our website. At latest July 1, the sheet music will be available for downloading. Participants of the arts courses are advised to bring own painting and drawing materials. In Perugia you can buy them yourself, as they are excluded from the course price. The concert by the tutors is free for all students.
  13. Who is only participating in the choir, can book additional workshops. Choir-only singers have no reduction possibilities. Singers who applied for the regular courses, can sing for free in the choir.
  14. Singers should know their parts by heart. It is not necessary to sing all provided music in the performance(s).

About our privacy policy

Accademia Amsterdam cares a lot about your privacy. We therefore only process data that we need for (improving) our services and handle the information we have collected about you and your use of our services with care. We never make your data available to third parties for commercial purposes.
This privacy policy applies to the use of the website and the services provided by Accademia Amsterdam. The effective date for the validity of these conditions is 12/05/2018, with the publication of a new version the validity of all previous versions expires. This privacy policy describes what information about you is collected by us, what this information is used for and with whom and under what conditions this information may be shared with third parties. We also explain to you how we store your data and how we protect your data against misuse and what rights you have with regard to the personal data you provide to us.
If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact our contact person for privacy issues, you will find the contact details at the end of our privacy policy.

About the data processing

Below you can read how we process your data, where we store it (or have it stored), which security techniques we use and for whom the data is available.


Our web store has been developed with software from VirtueMart. Personal data that you make available to us for the purpose of providing our services will not be shared with this party.

Web hosting

We purchase web hosting and email services from One.com. One.com processes personal data on our behalf and does not use your data for its own purposes. However, this party can collect metadata about the use of the services. These are not personal data. One.com has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to prevent the loss and unauthorized use of your personal data. One.com is obliged to maintain confidentiality on the basis of the agreement.

Email and mailing lists

Our website uses a third party that handles the e-mail traffic from our website and the sending of any newsletters. All confirmation emails you receive from our website and web forms are sent via the servers of One.com. One.com will never use your name and e-mail address for its own purposes. At the bottom of every e-mail that has been automatically sent through our website you will see the "unsubscribe" / "unsubscribe" link. If you click on this, you will no longer receive e-mail from our website. This means that we can no longer keep abreast of our (non-commercial) activities! Your personal data is stored securely by One.com. Our website uses cookies and other internet technologies that provide insight into whether emails are opened and read. We do not use your data for further improvement of external services and do not share the information with third parties.

We use the services of One.com for our regular business e-mail traffic. This party has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to prevent misuse, loss and corruption of your and our data as much as possible. One.com has no access to our mailbox and we treat all our e-mail traffic confidentially.

Payment processors

We use the PayPal platform to process (part of) the payments in our web store. PayPal processes your name, address and place of residence information and your payment details such as your bank account or credit card number. PayPal has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data. PayPal reserves the right to use your data to further improve the service and in that context to share (anonymous) data with third parties. All the above-mentioned safeguards regarding the protection of your personal data also apply to the parts of PayPal's services for which they engage third parties. PayPal does not store your data for longer than is permitted by the legal terms.

Reviews on the Accademia Amsterdam website

If you leave a review via the Accademia Amsterdam website, you must register. We do not share the registration data with third parties, only your name (or pseudonym) is visible on our website, so that we can link the review to your order. We have taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data.

Shipping and logistics

If you place an order with us, it is our job to have your package delivered to you. We use the services of PostNL for the delivery. It is therefore necessary that we share your name, address and city details with PostNL. PostNL uses this information only for the performance of the agreement. In the event that PostNL engages subcontractors, PostNL also makes your data available to these parties.

Purpose of data processing

General purpose of the processing

We use your data solely for the purpose of our services. This means that the purpose of the processing is always directly related to the assignment that you provide. We do not use your data for (targeted) marketing. If you share data with us and we use this data to contact you at a later date - contrary to your request - we will ask you for explicit permission. Your data will not be shared with third parties, other than to meet accounting and other administrative obligations. These third parties are all held to confidentiality on the basis of the agreement between them and us or an oath or legal obligation.

Automatically collected data

Data that is automatically collected by our website is processed with the aim of further improving our services. This data (for example your IP address, web browser and operating system) is not personal data.

Cooperation with tax and criminal investigations

In some cases, Accademia Amsterdam can be held on the basis of a legal obligation to share your data in connection with fiscal or criminal investigations by the government. In such a case we are forced to share your data, but we will oppose this within the possibilities that the law offers us.

Retention periods

We keep your data for as long as you are a client of ours. This means that we keep your (customer) profile until you indicate that you no longer wish to use our services. If you indicate this to us, we will also regard this as a forget request. Based on applicable administrative obligations, we must keep invoices with your (personal) data, so we will keep this data for as long as the applicable period runs. However, employees no longer have access to your client profile and documents that we have produced as a result of your assignment.

Your rights

On the basis of the applicable Dutch and European legislation, you as a data subject have certain rights with regard to the personal data processed by or on behalf of us. We explain below what these rights are and how you can invoke these rights.
In principle, in order to prevent abuse, we will only send copies and copies of your data to your e-mail address already known to us. In the event that you wish to receive the data at a different e-mail address or, for example, by post, we will ask you to identify yourself. We keep records of settled requests, in the case of a forget request we administer anonymized data. You will receive all copies and copies of data in the machine-readable data format that we use within our systems.
You have the right to submit a complaint to the Dutch Data Protection Authority at any time if you suspect that we are using your personal data in the wrong way.

Right of inspection

You always have the right to view the data that we (have) process and that relate to your person or that can be traced to that. You can make a request to that effect to our contact person for privacy matters. You will receive a response to your request within 30 days. If your request is granted, we will send you a copy of all data with an overview of the processors who have this data at the e-mail address known to us, stating the category under which we have stored this data.

Rectification right

You always have the right to have the data that we (or have it processed) that relate to your person or that can be traced to that change. You can make a request to that effect to our contact person for privacy matters. You will receive a response to your request within 30 days. If your request is granted, we will send you a confirmation at the e-mail address known to us that the information has been changed.

Right to limit processing

You always have the right to limit the data that we (have) process that relate to or can be traced to your person. You can make a request to that effect to our contact person for privacy matters. You will receive a response to your request within 30 days. If your request is granted, we will send you a confirmation at the e-mail address known to us that the information until you remove the restriction will no longer be processed.

Right to transferability

You always have the right to have the data that we (or have it processed) that relate to your person or that can be traced to that data carried out by another party. You can make a request to that effect to our contact person for privacy matters. You will receive a response to your request within 30 days. If your request is granted, we will send you copies or copies of all data about you that we have processed or that have been processed on our behalf by other processors or third parties at the e-mail address known to us. In all likelihood, in such a case, we can no longer continue to provide services, because the secure linking of data files can then no longer be guaranteed.

Right of objection and other rights

In appropriate cases you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data by or on behalf of Accademia Amsterdam. If you object, we will immediately cease the data processing pending the handling of your objection. If your objection is justified, we will provide you with copies and / or copies of data that we process or have processed, and then permanently cease processing.
You also have the right not to be subject to automated individual decision-making or profiling. We do not process your data in such a way that this right applies. If you believe that this is the case, please contact our contact person for privacy matters.


Google Analytics

Cookies from the American company Google are placed via our website as part of the "Analytics" service. We use this service to keep track of and get reports on how visitors use the website. This processor may be required to provide access to this data on the basis of applicable laws and regulations. We have not allowed Google to use the analytics information obtained for other Google services.

Tracking Cookies

To facilitate sharing content of our website on social media, we provide so-called social buttons. These buttons track anonymously your presence on our website and communicate this to social media such as Facebook and Twitter. No personal data are exchanged.

Changes to the privacy policy

We reserve the right to change our privacy policy at any time. However, you will always find the most recent version on this page. If the new privacy policy has consequences for the way in which we process already collected data with regard to you, we will inform you of this by e-mail.

Contact details

Accademia Amsterdam
Hofmark 390
1355JH Almere
The Netherlands

Telephone: +31 6 242 547 91
Email: info@accademia-amsterdam.nl

Contact person for privacy issues

Onno Verschoor

Onno Verschoor

Artistic management, courses & projects

accademia management 01Onno Verschoor studied recorder with Adriënne du Clou and oboe with Koen van Slogteren at the Conservatory in Zwolle, the Netherlands. In 1984 he decided to specialize in the baroque oboe, initially studying with Taka Kitazato and then with Ku Ebbinge at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague. In 1989 Onno Verschoor graduated in baroque oboe and historical performance, also obtaining his recorder soloist diploma with distinction.

Currently he is active as a freelance musician with many of Europe’s baroque orchestras, including Concerto d'Amsterdam, Telemannisches Collegium Michaelstein, L'Orfeo (Linz), the Utrecht Baroque Consort, Anima Aeterna (Brussels), The King's Consort (London), Das Neue Orchester (Cologne) and Accademia Barocca Willem Hermans (Rome). With the latter ensemble he performed in 2007 as a soloist in recorder concertos by Telemann. He works with several renowned conductors and performers such as Ludger Remy (Dresden), Ricardo Kanji (The Hague), Christoph Spering (Cologne), Jos van Immerseel (Brussels) and Robert King (London).

Onno Verschoor performs in various ensembles specializing in chamber music between 1300 and 1850. He has collaborated on  radio, television and CD recordings (RAI Italy, Dutch broadcasting companies, Mitteldeutscher and Westdeutscher Rundfunk, CPO Germany, Tactus Milano). In 2007 he recorded a CD with solo concertos by Telemann on the Italian label La Bottega Discantica.
Onno Verschoor has been artistic director of Accademia Amsterdam since 1990. He founded the wind ensemble ‘Fiati Amsterdam’ which performs on historical wind instruments.

Alongside his varied career as a professional musician and concert organizer, Onno Verschoor works as a composer and arranger, and is involved with (improvised) electro-acoustic music. He was more then twenty-five years working as a teacher of baroque performance practice on baroque oboe and recorder at a Centre for Artistic Education in the Netherlands.

Onno Verschoor accompanies and manages musical travels with music-lovers and gives lectures about the musical background of concerts and opera performances.

He organises small scale artistic courses and receives guests in his house in Italy, Casa "Le tre Muse".

Accademia Amsterdam can assist production organisations or choirs to apply for project subsidies or grants for concert series when collaborating. We offer help with the preparation of subsidy and sponsorship plans or submitting grant applications.

  • Nederlands

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